- Liste de publications
77 – Poinas, I., Fried, G., Haran, J., Soldati, L., Lefevre, M. & C. N Meynard (2024). Direct and indirect effects of agricultural practices on beetle communities: trophic regime matters (submitted)
76 – Genty, L., Meynard, C., Bopp M.-C., Henckel L., Chayre, A., Gibert, C. & Fried G. (2024). Ecosystem services of field margins are negatively impacted by intensive agricultural practices at both field and landscape levels (submitted)
75 – Rievrs Borges E., Gonzalez- Sargas, E., Casajus, N., Carboni, M., Bauman, D., Fried, G., Maskell, L., Juarez Escario, A., Tabacchi, A.-M. & Tabacchi, E. (2024). Plant communities of linear habitats: what happens when roads cross rivers? Applied Vegetation Science (minor revisions)
74 – Henckel, L., Fried G., Guillemin, J.-P., Meynard, C. N., Poinas, I., Ricci B. (2024). Disentangling the effects of dose, date and mode of action of herbicides on the assembly of field margin plants communities. Journal of Applied Ecology (major revisions)
73 – Poinas, I., Meynard, C., Fried, G. (2024). Plant species better adapted to climate change need agricultural extensification to persist. Ecology Letters (in press).
72 – Bopp, M.-C., De Deyn, G., Zwetsloot, M., Moinet, G., Fried, G., Metay, A., Fromin, N., Fort, F., Buatois, B., Bastiaans, L., Kazakou, E. (2024). Weed management modifies functional properties of both weeds and microbial nitrogen-cycling communities in Mediterranean vineyards Journal of Applied Ecology (in press)
71 – Chartois, M., Fried, G., Rossi, J.-P. (2024). Climatic suitability and host plant availability are favorable to the establishment of Lycorma delicatula in Europe. Agricultural and Forest Entomology https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12665 [PDF]
70 – Bopp, M.-C., Kazakou E., Metay, A., Maillet J., Quidoz, M.-C., Genty, L., Fried, G. (2024). Climate change and management diversification drove more stress-tolerant and less ruderal plant communities. Ecological Monographs https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1631 [PDF]
69 – Fried, G., Poinas, I., Henckel, L., Alignier, A. (2024). Major field margin vegetation types in France and their relationships with climate, agricultural landscapes and management intensity. Botany Letters 171 (2): 235-252 https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2023.2269243 [PDF]
68 – Poinas, I., Meynard, C., Fried, G. (2024). Functional trade-offs: exploring the effects of climate change and agricultural practices as drivers of field margin plant communities bioRxiv, ver.4, peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.03.530956
Read the recommandation: Astegiano, J. (2024) Unravelling plant diversity in agricultural field margins in France: plant species better adapted to climate change need other agricultures to persist. Peer Community in Ecology, 100528. 10.24072/pci.ecology.100528
67 – Casajus, N., Rievrs Borges, E., Tabacchi, E., Fried, G. & Mouquet, N. (2023). chessboard: An R package for creating network connections based on chess moves. The Journal of Open Source Software 8(90), 5753, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05753 [PDF]
66 – Poinas, I., Fried, G., Henckel, L., Meynard, C. N. (2023.) Agricultural drivers of field margin plant communities are scale dependen. Basic and Applied Ecology 72 : 55-63 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2023.08.003 [PDF]
65 – Metcalfe, H., Bürger, J., von Redwitz, C., Cirujeda, A., Fogliatto, S., Dostatny, D. F., Gerowitt, B., Glemnitz, M., González-Andújar, J. L., Hernández Plaza, E., Izquierdo, J., Kolářová, M., Ņečajeva, J., Petit, S., Pinke, G., Schumacher, M., Ulber, L., Vidotto, F. & Fried, G. (2023). Arable Weeds and Management in Europe” database: Challenges and opportunities of combining weed survey data at a European scale. Weed Research https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/wre.12562 [PDF]
64 – Boinot, S., Mony, C., Fried, G., Ernoult, A., Aviron, S., Ricono, C., Couthouis, E., Alignier, A. (2023). Weed communities are more diverse, but not more abundant, in dense and complex bocage landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 4-16 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14312 [PDF]
63 – Bopp, M.-C., Fried, G., Metay, A., Bastianelli, D., Bonnal, L., Kazakou, E. (2022). Linkages between traits and decomposition of weed communities along a soil management and pedoclimate gradient in Mediterranean vineyards. Annals of Botany 130(4) : 547–560 https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcac099 [PDF]
62 – Fried, G., Blanchet, C., Cazenave, L., Bopp, M.-C., Kazakou, E., Metay, A, Christen, M., Alard, D. & Cordeau, S. (2022). Consistent response of weeds according to Grime’s CSR strategies along a gradient of disturbance and resources in Bordeaux vineyards. Weed Research 62 : 347–359 https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12549 [PDF]
61 – Bürger, J., Küzmič, F., Šilc, U., Jansen, F., Bergmeier, E., Chytrý, M., Cirujeda, Fogliatto, S., Fried, G., Dostatny, D., Gerowitt, B., Glemnitz, M., González-Andújar, J.L., Hernández Plaza, E., Izquierdo, J., Kolářová, M., Lososová, Z., Metcalfe, H., Ņečajeva, J., Petit, S., Pinke, G., Rašomavičius, V., von Redwitz, C., Schumacher, M., Ulber, L., Vidotto, F. (2022). Two sides of one medal: Arable weed vegetation of Europe in phytosociological data compared to agronomical weed surveys. Applied Vegetation Science 25 : e12460. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12460 [PDF]
60 – Bopp, M.-C., Kazakou, E., Metay, A., Fried, G. (2022). Relative importance of region, seasonality and weed management practices effects on the functional structure of weed communities in French vineyards Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 330 :107892 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107892 [PDF]
59 – Fried, G., Le Corre, V., Rakotoson, T., Buchmann, J., Germain, T., Gounon, R., Royer, H., Biju-Duval, L., Felten, E., Vieren, E., Chauvel, B. (2022). Impact of new management practices on arable and field margin plant communities in sunflower crops, with an emphasis on the abundance of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). Weed Research https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12522 [PDF]
58 – Adeux, G., Yvoz, S., Biju-Duval, L., Cadet, E., Farcy, P., Fried, G., Guillemin J.-P. , Meunier, D., Munier-Jolain, N., Petit, S., Cordeau, S. (2022). Cropping system diversification does not always beget weed diversity. European Journal of Agronomy 133 : 126438. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2021.126438 [PDF]
57 – Lázaro-Lobo, A., Moles, A.T., Fried, G., Verloove, F., Campos, J.A., Herrera, M., Goñi, E., Bioret, F., Buffa, G., Fantinato, E., Sentinella, Myron, A., Zalucki., P., Mayfield, M., Smith, T., Catling, A., Zalucki, J.M., Lucardi, R.D., Shoemaker, C.M., Mason, D.S. & Ervin G.N. (2021). Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive, and introduced populations influences invasion success of Baccharis halimifolia. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2907–2918 https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14252 [PDF]
56 – Kazakou, E., Fried, G., Cheptou, P.-O., Gimenez, O. (2021) Does seed mass drive interspecies variation in the effect of management practices on weed demography? Ecology & Evolution 11: 13166–13174 https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8038 [PDF]
55 – Bourgeois, B., Munoz, F., Gaba, S., Denelle, P., Fried, G., Storkey, J., Violle, C. (2021). Functional biogeography of weeds reveals how anthropogenic management blurs trait-climate relationships. Journal of Vegetation Science 32:e12999. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12999 [PDF]
54 – Chauvel, B., Fried, G., Follak, S., Chapman, D., Kulakova, Y., Le Bourgeois, T., Marisavljevic, D., Monty, A., Rossi, J.-P., Starfinger, U., Tanner, R., Tassus, X., van Valkenburg, J., Regnier, E. (2021) Monographs on invasive plants in Europe N° 5: Ambrosia trifida L. Botany Letters https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2021.1879674 [PDF]
53 – Andrade, C., Villers, A., Balent, G., Bar-Hen, A., Chadoeuf, J., Cylly, D., Cluzeau, D., Fried, G., Goulard, M., Guillocheau, S., Pillon, O., Porcher, E., Tressou, J., Yamada, O., Lenne, N., Jullien, J. & Monestiez, P. (2020) A real-world implementation of a nationwide, long-term monitoring program to assess the impact of agrochemicals and agricultural practices on biodiversity. Ecology and Evolution 11: 3771– 3793. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6459 [PDF]
52 – Derrouch, D., Dessaint, F., Fried, G., Chauvel, B. (2021) Weed community diversity in conservation agriculture: post-adoption changes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 312, 107351 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107351 [PDF]
51 – Fried, G., Armengot, L., Storkey, J., Bourgeois, B., Gaba, S. Violle, C. & Munoz, F. (2020) Do ecological specialization and functional traits explain the abundance-frequency relationship? Arable weeds as a case study. Journal of Biogeography 48: 37–50. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13980 [PDF]
50 – Meddour, R., Sahar, O., Fried, G. (2020). A preliminary checklist of the alien flora of Algeria (North Africa): taxonomy, traits and invasiveness potential. Botany Letters 167(4): 453-470 https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2020.1802775 [PDF]
49 – Booy, O., Robertson, P.A., Moore, N., Ward, J., Roy, H., Adriens, T., Bertolino, S., Blight, O., Branquart, E., Brundu, G., Caffrey, J., Capizzi, D., Casaer, J., De Clerck, O., Coughlan, P. , Davis, P., Dick, J., Essl, F., Fried, G., Genovesi, P., Gonzalez-Moreno, P., Hysentruyt, F., Jenkins, S., Katsanevakis, S., Kerckhof, F., Lucy, F., Nentwig, W., Newman, J., Rabitsch, W., Roy, S., Shaw, D., Starfinger, U., Stebbing, P., Stuyck, J., Sutton-Croft, M., Tricarico, E., van Valkenburg, J., Vanderhoeven, S., Verreycken, H., Wyn, G. & Mill, A.C. (2020). Using structured eradication feasibility assessment to prioritise the management of new and emerging invasive alien species in Europe. Global Change Biology 26: 6235 – 6250 https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15280 [PDF]
48 – Munoz, F., Fried, G., Armengot, L., Bourgeois, B., Bretagnolle, V., Chadoeuf, J., Mahaut, L., Plumejeaud, C., Storkey, J., Violle, C. & Gaba, S. (2020). Ecological specialization and rarity of arable weeds: insights from a comprehensive survey in France. Plants 9(7), 824; doi.org/10.3390/plants9070824 [PDF]
47 – Mahaut, L., Cheptou, P.-C., Fried, G., Munoz, F., Storkey, J., Vasseur, F., Violle, C., Bretagnolle, F. (2020). Weeds: against the rules? Trends in Plant Science 25(11) : 1107-1116 [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2020.05.013
46 – Garcia, L., Damour, G., Kazakou, E., Fried, G., Bopp, M.-C., Metay, A (2020). Seasonal and interannual variations in functional traits of sown and spontaneous species in vineyard inter-rows. Ecosphere 11(5) e03140 [PDF].
45 – Jeliazkov, A. , Mijatovic, D. , Chantepie, S., Arlettaz, R. , […], Fried, G., […] and Chase, J. (2020). A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data 7, 6 doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0344-7 [PDF]
44 – Fried, G., Chauvel, B., Munoz, F., Reboud, X. (2020) Which Traits Make Weeds More Successful in Maize Crops? Insights from a Three-Decade Monitoring in France. Plants 9(1), 40; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9010040 [PDF]
43 – Krähmer, H., Andreasen, C., Economou-Antonaka, C., Holec, J., Kalivas, D., Kolářová, M., Novak, R., Panozzo, S., Pinke, G., Salonen, J., Sattin, M., Stefanic, E., Vanaga, I. & Fried, G. (2020). Weed surveys and weed mapping in Europe: state of the art and future tasks. Crop Protection 129 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2019.105010 [PDF]
42 – Novoa, A., Brundu, G., Day, M.D., Deltoro, V., Essl, F., Foxcroft, L.C., Fried, G., Kaplan, H., Kumschick, S., Lloyd, S., Marchante, E., Marchante, H., Paterson, I.D., Pyšek, P., Richardson, D.M., Witt, A., Zimmermann, H.G., Wilson, J.R.U. (2019). Global actions for managing cactus invasions. Plants 8(10), 421; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants8100421 [PDF]
41 – Boinot, S., Fried, G., Storkey, J., Metcalfe, H., Barkaoui, K., Lauri, P.E. & Mézière, D. (2019). Alley cropping agroforestry systems: reservoirs for weeds or refugia for plant diversity? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (in press) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2019.106584 [PDF]
40 – Mahaut, L., Gaba, S. & Fried, G. (2019). A functional diversity approach of crop sequences reveals that weed diversity and abundance show different responses to environmental variability. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1400-1409 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13389 [PDF]
39 – González-Moreno, P., Lazzaro, L., Vilà, M., Preda, C., Adriaens, T., Bacher, S ., Brundu, G., Copp, G.H., Essl, F., García-Berthou, E., Katsanevakis,S., Lucy, F., Nentwig, W., Roy, H., Srėbalienė, G., Talgø, V., Vanderhoeven, S., […], Fried, G., […] & Kenis, M. (2019). Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species. NeoBiota 44: 1-25. https://neobiota.pensoft.net/article/31650/ [PDF]
38 – Fried, G., Carboni, M., Mahaut, L. & Violle, C. (2019). Functional traits sheds light on the impacts of plant invasions. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 37: 53-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2019.02.003 [PDF]
37 – Fried, G., Cordeau, S., Métay, A. & Kazakou, E. (2019). Relative importance of environmental factors and farming practices in shaping plant communities structure and composition in French vineyard. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 275: 1-13. doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2019.01.006 [PDF]
36 – Bourgeois, B., Munoz F., Fried, G., Mahaut, L., Armengot, L., Denelle P., Storkey, J., Gaba, S. & Violle C. (2019) What makes a weed a weed? A large-scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens. American Journal of Botany 106(1): 90-100. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1213 [PDF]
35 – Fried, G., Villers, A. & Porcher, E. (2018). Assessing non-intended effects of farming practices on field margin vegetation with a functional approach Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 261: 33-44 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2018.03.021 [PDF]
34 – Lommen, S.T.E., Hallmann, C.A., Jongejans, E., Chauvel, B., Leitsch-Vitalos, M., Alexanyan, A., Toth, P., Preda, C., Šćepanović, M., Onen, H., Tokarska-Guzik, B., Anastasiu, P., Dorner, Z., Fenesi, A., Karrer, G., Nagy, K., Pinke, G., Tiborcz, V., Zagyvai, G., Zalai, M., Kazinczi, G., Leskovsek, R., Stesevic, D., Fried, G., Kalatozishvili, L., Lemke, A. & Müller-Schärer, H. (2018). Explaining variability in the production of seed and allergenic pollen by invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia across Europe. Biological invasions 20(6) : 1475–1491 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-017-1640-9 [PDF]
32 –
31 – Tanner, R., Branquart, E., Brundu, G., Buholzer, S., Chapman, D., Ehret, P., Fried, G., Starfinger, U., van Valkenburg, J. (2017). The prioritisation of a short list of alien plants for risk analysis within the framework of the Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014. NeoBiota 35: 87-118 doi: 10.3897/neobiota.35.12366 [PDF]
30 – Gaba, S., Perronne, R., Fried, G., Gardarin, A., Bretagnolle, F., Biju-Duval, L., Colbach, N., Cordeau, S., Fernández-Aparicio, M., Gauvrit, C., Gibot-Leclerc, C., Guillemin, J.-P., Louviot, G., Moreau, D., Munier-Jolain, N., Strbik, F., Reboud, X. (2017). Response and effect traits of arable weeds in agro-ecosystems: a review of current knowledge. Weed Research (in press) [PDF]
29 – Branquart, E. , Brundu, G., Buholzer, S., Chapman, D., Ehret, P., Fried, G., Starfinger, U., van Valkenburg, J., Tanner, R. (2016). The prioritization of invasive alien plants for risk assessment within the framework of the Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014. EPPO Bulletin 46(3): 603-617 DOI: 10.1111/epp.12336 [PDF]
28 – Kazakou, E., Fried, G., Violle, C., Gimenez, O., Richarte, J., Metay, A. (2016). A plant trait-based response-and-effect framework to assess vineyard inter-row soil management. Botany Letters 163 (4): 373-388. [PDF]
27 – Fried, G., Dessaint F., Reboud, X. (2016). Local and regional changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of arable weed communities in Burgundy (France) between the 1970s and the 2000s. Botany Letters 163 (4): 359-371. [PDF]
26 – Gaba, S., Reboud, X., Fried, G. (2016) Agroecology and conservation of weed diversity in agricultural lands. Botany Letters 163 (4) 351-354. [PDF]
25 – Colbach, N., Bertrand, M., Busset, H., Colas, F., Dugué, F.,Farcy, P., Fried, G., Granger, S. , Meunier, D., Munier-Jolain, N. M. , Noilhan, C., Strbik, F., Gardarin, A. (2016) Uncertainty analysis and evaluation of a complex, multi-specific weed dynamics model with diverse and incomplete data sets. Environmental Modelling & Software 86 184-203.
24 – Fried, G., Caño, L., Brunel, S., Beteta, E., Charpentier, A., Herrera, M., Starfinger, U., Panetta F.D. (2016). Monographs on Invasive Plants in Europe: Baccharis halimifolia L. Botany Letters 163 (2) : 127-153. [PDF]
23 – Fried, G. (2016) Monographs on invasive plants in Europe. A new series for Botany Letters. Rationale and instructions. Botany Letters 163 (2): 125. [PDF]
22 – Fried G. & Panetta F.D. (2016). Comparing an exotic shrub’s impact with that of a native life form analogue: Baccharis halimifolia L. versus Tamarix gallica L. in Mediterranean saltmarsh communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 27 (4): 812-823 [PDF]
21 – Kriticos D.J., Brunel S., Ota N., Fried G., Oude Lansink A.G.J.M., Panetta F.D., et al. (2015) Downscaling Pest Risk Analyses: Identifying Current and Future Potentially Suitable Habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus with Particular Reference to Europe and North Africa. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0132807. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132807 [PDF]
20 – Cucherousset, J., Fried, G., Cote, J., Renaud, D. (2015). « Invasions biologiques et fonctionnement des écosystèmes caractérisation des impacts écologiques liés aux espèces invasives. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie), 70 : (Sup. 12 « Espèces invasives »): 49-52. [PDF]
19 – Fried, G., Belaud, A., Chauvel, B. (2015). Ecology and impact of an emerging invasive species in France: western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya DC.). Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie), 70 (Sup. 12 « Espèces invasives »): 53-67. [PDF]
18 – Fried, G., Chauvel, B., Reboud, X. (2015). Weed flora shifts and specialisation in winter oilseed rape in France. Weed Research, 55: 514-524. [PDF]
17 – Brunel, S., Panetta, D., Fried, G., Kriticos, D., Prasad, R., Lansink,A. O., Shabbir, A., Yaacoby, T. (2014). Preventing a new invasive alien plant from entering and spreading in the Euro-Mediterranean region: the case study of Parthenium hysterophorus. EPPO Bulletin 44(3) : 479-489. [PDF]
16 – Fried, G., Laitung, B., Pierre, C., Chagué, N., Panetta, F.D. (2014). Impact of invasive plants in Mediterranean habitats: disentangling the effects of characteristics of invaders and recipient communities. Biological Invasions 16 (8) : 1639-1658 DOI: 10.1007/s10530-013-0597-6 [PDF]
15 – Gaba,S., Fried, G., Kazakou, E., Chauvel, B., Navas, M.-L. (2014). Agroecological weed control using a functional approach: a review of cropping systems diversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34 : 103-119. DOI 10.1007/s13593-013-0166-5 [PDF]
14 – Fried, G., Balmès, V., Germain, J.-F., 2013. A contribution to the inventory and impacts of phytophagous insects found on Baccharis halimifolia in its introduced range in France. EPPO Bulletin 43 : 285-289. [PDF]
13 – Brunel, S., Brundu, G., Fried, G., 2013. Eradication and control of invasive alien plants in the Mediterranean Basin: towards better coordination to enhance existing initiatives. EPPO Bulletin 43 : 290-308. [PDF]
12 – Fried, G., Kazakou, E., Gaba.,S., 2012. Trajectories of weed communities explained by traits associated with species’ response to management practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 158 : 147-155. doi 10.1016/j.agee.2012.06.005 [PDF]
11 – Petit, S. & Fried, G., 2012. Patterns of weed co-occurrence at the field and lanscape level. Journal of Vegetation Science 23 : 1137-1147. doi: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01421.x [PDF]
10 – Brundu, G., Aksoy, N., Brunel, S., Eliàs, P., Fried, G., 2011. Rapid surveys for inventorying alien plants in the Black Sea region of Turkey. EPPO Bulletin 41 : 208-216. [PDF]
9 – Fried, G., Petit, S., Reboud, X., 2010. A specialist-generalist classification of the French arable flora and its response to changes in agricultural practices. BMC Ecology, 10:20 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-10-20 [PDF]
8 – Brunel, S., Branquart, E., Fried, G., van Valkenburg, Y., Brundu, G., Starfinger, U., Buholzer, S., Uludag, A., Joseffson, M., Baker, R., 2010. EPPO Prioritization process for Invasive Alien Plants. EPPO Bulletin 40 : 407-422. [PDF]
7 – Brunel, S., Schrader, G., Brundu, G., Fried, G., 2010. Emerging invasive alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin. EPPO Bulletin 40 : 219-238. [PDF]
6 – Fried, G., 2010. Résumé de thèse : Variations spatiales et temporelles des communautés adventices des cultures annuelles en France. Acta Botanica Gallica 157 : 183-192. [PDF]
5 – Fried, G., Chauvel, B., Reboud, X., 2009. A functional analysis of large-scale temporal shifts from 1970 to 2000 in weed assemblages of sunflower crops in France. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20 : 49-58. doi: 10.3170/2008-8-18465 [PDF]
4 – Fried, G., Petit, S., Dessaint, F., Reboud, X., 2009. Arable weed decline in Northern France: crop edges as refugia for weed conservation? Biological Conservation 142 : 238-243. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.09.029 [PDF]
3 – Fumanal, B., Girod, C., Fried, G., Bretagnolle, F., Chauvel, B., 2008. Can the large ecological amplitude of Ambrosia artemisiifolia explain its invasive success in France? Weed Research 48: 349-359. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2008.00627.x [PDF]
2 – Fried G., Norton L.R., Reboud X., 2008. Environmental and management factors determining weed species composition and diversity in France. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 128: 68-76. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2008.05.003 [PDF]
1 – Fried G., Reboud X. 2007. Evolution de la composition des communautés adventices des cultures de colza sous l’influence des systèmes de cultures. Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides 14: 130-138. [PDF]